2023-04-17 Bratislava pre Banskú Štiavnicu
The 2023-04-17 Bratislava pre Banskú Štiavnicu Stará Tržnica concert was a beneficial event to support the city of Banská Štiavnica, which was hit by a devastating fire on March 18, 2023. The fire destroyed seven buildings in the historic center of the city, including the cultural center Eleuzína and the elementary art school. The concert was organized by the Bratislava Cultural and Information Center, the capital city of Bratislava and the collective of Bratislava elementary art schools. The concert featured performances by young talents from the art schools, as well as famous musicians and bands from the Slovak scene, such as Korben Dallas, Hex, Billy Barman, Le Payaco, Puding Pani Elvisovej, Adriana Kučerová & Róbert Pechanec, Tamara Kramar & Curly Simon, Vec & Škrupo & Tóno S. and others. The concert also included moderated interviews and discussions with the daily newspapers Denník N and SME, as well as with celebrities and actors from the cultural life of Banská Štiavnica. The concert took place in the Old Market Hall in Bratislava on April 17, 2023, symbolically one month after the fire. The concert was free of charge, but a public collection was held during the event to raise funds for the restoration of the historic buildings and the cultural projects affected by the fire. The concert was a way of expressing solidarity and sympathy with Banská Štiavnica and its people, who lost their property, business and priceless cultural and historical heritage. The concert was also a celebration of the artistic value and creativity that Banská Štiavnica has been producing for centuries.