Paired with a close look at the controversial Vinland Map from Yale University, this exhibit of Viking burial artifacts from the Gustavianum Museum of Uppsala University is being shown outside of Sweden for the first time. It's a fascinating look at pristine glass, iron and wood pieces that were excavated from burial ships in the 1920s. The exhibit, which traces the Vikings' wanderings throughout Europe, seems particularly relevant today as the United States and its allies argue about trade policies and more and more people discover their origins through DNA analysis.

A stroll through the historic village enables visitors to experience firsthand from staff historians, storytellers, musicians, and craftspeople just what life was like to earn one’s living from the sea. In the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard, they can watch shipwrights keeping the skills and techniques of traditional shipbuilding alive as they restore and maintain the Museum’s watercraft collection and other vessels.